10 Steps To Becoming A Top-Class SEO Freelance Writer

If you're interested in becoming a top-class search engine optimization or SEO freelance writer, these are a few great tips that can help you to get started.


  • You want to ensure you understand SEO work. It's mainly about utilizing keywords to help with search rankings. Your first place to start in understanding this is on Google. Learn all that you can about their AdWords and how they utilize different types of keywords.
  • A great area that you will need to know about understands how to utilize WordPress as it relates to keywords and specific content.
  • Next, try to write a blog. It’s best to learn how to format them and also how to set up the different pages.
  • Another area you want to focus on is writing particular jobs so you can gain experience. That way you can ensure that you learn the process of how to set up different things like blogs, content, and descriptions and make your words flow.
  • Next, look for resources and online sites that can help you to get your materials out there. Be sure to check out Freelancer, Elance, ODesk and others.
  • Also, be sure that you understand how wording can be precise. You have to test this out to know how to put your groups of words together.
  • Another point that you want to utilize is to make sure that you test out your work online. You have to factor in how various search results will look in order to understand how you should word your sentences and the key content to use.
  • Next, ask for help. An excellent way to learn how to picture your wording in this matter is to ask people who are experienced and already do it. That way you can understand how they set up their particular website and blog pages.
  • Next, make sure that you focus on blogs so that way you can see how when you write traffic starts coming in. You have to research this, and it takes time for you to understand your wording. The more keyword rich your writing is, the more influential it will be.
  • Lastly, make sure to sign up for a free service on statistical information that can help you to streamline your content, so you understand if it's working or not.

By following these top tips, this can contribute to ensure that you simplify your approach as a search engine optimization writer. The primary goal is to stay focused, get all the help and resources that you need, and study how to word your articles, so they are keyword rich.

