10 Things To Remember Looking For Academic Article Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelance writing has gained much importance and individuals having little knowledge about writing are searching ways where they can post their write ups and earn some quick bucks. Now, there is a plethora of writing opportunities and academic writing is one of the well-known genres where budding writers are striving hard to get accepted. Now while looking for academic article freelance writing jobs, there are few things to be kept in mind and below 10 such things are described, adhering to which one can make living quite lump sum.

  1. 1. Authenticity of the job provider: Legitimacy, genuineness and authenticity do matter a lot while seeking freelance writing jobs. There was a time when individuals contacted job providers through Newspaper classifieds but today with the emergence of internet, various online paid writing sites have evolved which are looking for talented writers. Now it is important to hook with legitimate job providers who won’t deprive one off his dues.
  2. 2. Looking through Freelance Writing Listings: it is worthwhile to browse through freelance listings time and again, as better opportunities creep in all of a sudden.
  3. 3. Starting with small: newbie should start with smaller porjects as it is in a way beneficial, bigger projects come up with bigger responsibilities and demands are also quite bigger with bulk projects.
  4. 4. It’s better to stay away from content farms: seeking work does not really mean browsing sites known as content farms. It’s better to look for work where writers will be having huge exposure to highlight his writing forte, where skills and connections can be processed with full potential.
  5. 5. Something interesting: while going for academic freelance writing jobs, it is best to pick those work which are seem interesting, as writers can sport their full potency once they get an interesting topic to write about.
  6. 6. Reputable sites/companies: after much research and enquiry, writers should pick up writing work that suit their profile also work with reputed companies and sites. Working with reputed companies ensure that payment won’t be cheated.
  7. 7. Incentive-based pay: such payment option should be avoided as chances are there writer will lose everything even after completing the task.
  8. 8. Nonexistent / private sites: working with private or non-existent site is way too risky.
  9. 9. Payment per hour or per article: it should be clarified at the beginning, before initiating the venture
  10. 10. Your Pitch: making good pitch paves chances for getting high-paid academic writing jobs.

