Getting Online Freelance Content Writing Jobs: An Effective Strategy

Freelance content writing has become rather popular nowadays. However, many new writers don’t manage to look for jobs properly. They end up working for peanuts without any hope of earning good money. That’s why it’s necessary to build a strategy for finding clients if you want to become a successful freelance content writer. You can read valuable tips related to this matter below.

  1. Learn to be more than a good writer.

  2. It’s not enough to have writing skills to write good web content. You should also learn about search engine optimization. In this way you’ll know how to write content that will look more attractive to search engines. Read some SEO books or talk to friends who are familiar with this matter.

  3. Start your blog or site.

  4. Every successful freelance content writer has a blog or website. This is very convenient: you can post your works and leave personal information for contacts there. It’s always better to have a place where potential clients can look at your real work in comparison to an ordinary portfolio. Make sure to clearly demonstrate on your site that you specialize specifically in content writing. In this way you’ll attract clients who will need your particular services.

  5. Contact clients yourself.

  6. While your site is growing, you should address some clients yourself. Look for online companies with which you’d like to work and contact them. You may do this by phone or email. When calling potential clients, you should introduce yourself, tell them that you’re familiar with their work, and offer your services. Letters you send to potential clients via email should be individualized so that they don’t resemble spam. Attach a link to your site in every letter so that potential clients can look at your work.

  7. Don’t ignore social networks.

  8. Freelance content writers should be familiar with social networks. Lots of people visit these sites every day. Using social networks is one of your best opportunities to showcase your work to a wider audience. Make sure to create accounts on the most popular networks and share the posts from your site there. If your articles are good, they’ll spread across the Internet very quickly and attract many potential clients.

  9. Visit job boards.

  10. Job boards are sources that you definitely shouldn’t forget about. There are many attractive job offers on these sites. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find there more than one client who will offer you worthwhile payment.

Follow these tips, be active, and know your value in order to succeed.

