The Main Features Of Writing A Resume For A Freelance Writer

A portfolio is only part of what a freelance writer needs. To get new clients, the writer must also have a good resume. As a writer, this resume must be well-designed and edited. It is essentially another example of the writer's best work. In addition, the resume should make the writer stand out from potential competition. There are thousands of writers who market their skills online, so the writer must show what sets their talents apart from the crowd.

Resume Writing for Beginning Freelancers

For new freelancers, one of the biggest issues is having something to actually put on to the resume. Without a track record of writing projects, finding potential work experience can be a difficult task. New writers should consider how their past experience relates to writing. Working in an office, secretarial duties or marketing jobs all relate directly for writing. Beneath each job, the writer should detail writing-specific duties that were required. As they develop their career, they will be able to have actual writing projects listed.

Resumes For Experienced Writers

Individuals who already have a background in the industry will have an easier time creating a resume. They should organize the resume to list ongoing projects and one-off projects. This allows company's to see examples of their best projects and any work that is ongoing. Writers should be wary, however. An extensive list of ongoing projects could make the client think that the freelancer lacks the time necessary to take on new work.

A Portfolio Is a Must-Have for Every Writer

Experienced writers will find it difficult to detail every writing assignment that they ever had. Rather than have a 10-page resume, the writer should just create a portfolio. A good portfolio demonstrates the writer's talents in action. Clients can scan through the portfolio to see if the writer has completed similar projects in the past. They can see the quality of the individual's writing and their research style.

Consider These Last Reminders

Even though this is an industry-specific resume, there are several qualities that are in common with a standard job application. Writers must include their contact information and education level. If they have a personal website, they will want to list the link. Likewise, the writer should include any of their current or past professional affiliations. If they attended a writers' conference or enrolled in writing-specific programs, these should also be included within the resume.

