How To Find Great Beginner Freelance Writing Jobs Online

If you’re testing the waters of the freelance writing industry, then the following advice will get you started off well. Where to find jobs, how to sell yourself, and what mindset you should maintain, are all important aspects to consider in freelance writing.

Register on multiple freelance sites

Getting freelance writing jobs is often a numbers game. The more you expose yourself, the more opportunities you will get to propose. The more proposals you submit, the better your chances of getting work. This doesn’t mean you should rush into just any job (like some freelancers make the mistake of doing). Rather be clever about which jobs you apply for and make each proposal count.

Get your portfolio in order

If clients have nothing to refer to, it’s not likely that they will hire you over someone else. You may not have experience on the platform you’ve chosen; but at least if you have a portfolio, clients can see that you have done work for someone else. This creates trust. If you have not got work that you can put into a portfolio, do some free work for someone and get a good testimonial from them to add to your profile. Most writers had to start off doing free work to get to where they are now.

Write a stunning introduction for yourself

You’re a writer. Your job is to sell your clients’ products and services and get people to read your content. If you want to give your potential clients a taste of what you can offer, write a compelling introduction about yourself. Sell yourself as best you can, but don’t sound too self-centred. If you start every sentence with ‘I’ or ‘My’, you will start to sound redundant. Redundant writing doesn’t sell well at all.

Apply with purpose

Most freelancing websites will limit you to the amount of proposals you can submit within a certain period of time. For this reason, make sure you apply for jobs that you can actually do and where the clients are people you can work well with. Don’t waste your time on jobs you know you can’t get.

Stay positive

There will be dry days, and there will be busy days. Your attitude and positive mindset will be put to the test. Keep at it, persevere, and don’t let negative thoughts discourage you from doing what you love to do.