Advice For Beginners: Getting Freelance Writing Jobs Online

Freelance writing is becoming more and more popular as a way to make a living, or to supplement your income. And it’s easy to understand why: you can work from anywhere, set your own hours, and have lots of variety in your work.

Follow this easy advice for beginners to start getting freelance writing jobs online:

  1. 1. Choose a reputable website
  2. While you may find writing jobs posted on websites like Craigslist, it’s best to stick with sites that focus on freelance, and that are reputable. You’ll also want to choose a website the plays to your strengths: you can find work in practically any kind of writing, and some sites specialize in article writing or technical writing. So choose one that will have the most job postings that you’re qualified for.

  3. 2. Build a good portfolio
  4. When you apply for or bid on a job, the client is taking a risk hiring you because the quality of your work is unknown to them. Your portfolio, along with how professionally you communicate with them, are your chance to make a good impression. When creating a portfolio, you want to highlight your best work, and to show your range in work.

  5. 3. Play to your strengths
  6. Rather than bidding on every job you find, you’re better to play to your strengths and only apply for those that you are qualified for. For instance, if you have experience article writing, apply for article jobs. Or if you have a background in science, apply for academic writing in the sciences. Either way, don’t waste your time on jobs you’re unqualified for.

  7. 4. Build up your rate over time
  8. It can be helpful to bid low on jobs as you’re getting started, especially if you don’t have a lot of writing experience to begin with. By bidding a couple dollars less per hour than you normally would on the first couple jobs, especially if they are fast jobs, you’ll build up a track record on the website you’re using. Then, once you have a good rating and some reviews from clients, you can slowly raise your rate.

  9. 5. Cultivate repeat clients
  10. Repeat clients are a great way to make your freelance career more stable. It is also easier to charge a bit more for repeat clients because you are not unknown to them: they know your work and aren’t taking as much of a chance on you.

